- do innovations

Baktiyar Soltabayev
Senior researcher at the PI “National Laboratory Astana”, Nazarbayev Ubiversity, has a PhD in physics. He has over seven years of experience in the field of gas sensors and nanofilms, as well as experience in nuclear physics, new materials and technologies. He participated in many international conferences and trained in different countries such as Russia, Romania, South Korea and Turkey. He is in close cooperation with many international experts from well-known centers of the world: Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna, Russia), Gazi University (Ankara, Turkey) and the Korean Atomic Energy Research Institute (Daejeon, South Korea). Dr. Soltabayev has co-authored over 27 scientific papers, including 9 papers on the Web of Science database (h-index = 7). , +7 (777) 954-19-99

Almagul Mentbayeva
Assistant professor at the School of Engineering and Digital Sciences of Nazarbayev University (NU), Doctor of Chemical Engineering (Al-Farabi Kazakh National University). Areas of professional competence related to the project proposal: metal oxide semiconductors, nanoscale morphology design, self-assembly of macromolecules on surfaces; sensitive polymer multilayer materials; surface spectroscopy; electrochemistry, polymer synthesis. She is the winner of the Scientific Leader Award from Thomson Reuters and has more than 50 excellent publications in the field of materials science, energy storage and conversion, extensive experience in working and collaborating with foreign research groups and companies (Texas A&M, USA; Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland; Hebei University, China; Marmara University, Turkey). (h-index = 14 in Scopus, the number of citations is about 650)., +7 777 395 4749

Amanzhol Turlybekuly
Senior Researcher at the National Laboratory of Astana, Nazarbayev University.
Research Interests: Nanofabrication, Chemical Engineering, Composite Materials for Biomedical Applications, Reverse Engineering, 3D Printing.
With a prolific record in scientific research, he has published over 20 scientific articles, including several as the first author in journals with an impact factor of 8.4. Additionally, he has authored two textbooks. He has presented his work at international conferences in France, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland, and Ukraine. His expertise has been further honed through training in Ukraine, and France.
As the leader of a research group focused on advancements in 3D printing, he has achieved significant recognition. He was awarded the 'Best Young Scientist' at the Republican Youth Competition for Innovative Projects 'NURINTECH 2018.' Furthermore, he received a letter of appreciation from Dr. Batpenov N.D., the chief traumatologist of Kazakhstan, for his technical assistance in treating patients with complex medical conditions, (h-index = 6).

Sandugash Kalybekkyzy
Researcher at the National Laboratory Astana, Nazarbayev University. She received her PhD in Chemistry from the Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Marmara University, Turkey. Her research interests include the synthesis, modification and application of polymeric materials, fabrication of nanomaterials, electrospinning, and polymerization techniques. During her doctoral dissertation, she worked on the development of polymer materials for lithium-ion batteries by electrospinning and published several scientific articles in this area (h-index = 5)

Gani Yergaliuly
Recearcher, National Laboraotory Astana, he is a researcher at the branch of the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Nursultan). His research interests include nuclear physics and synthesis of composite nanomaterials. He has 1.5 years of experience in the IP 'National Laboratory Astana' of Nazarbayev University. Dr. Yergaliuly is responsible for the test for sensitivity to gas with exhaled gas; preparation of a prototype of a gas sensor on the Arduino platform (h-index = 2).

Aizhan Rakhmanova
PhD student of the School of Engineering and Digital Sciences of Nazarbayev University. For three years, she worked at the Bioresources Laboratory of Northwestern A&F University in China. Since 2020, she has been working at the State Institution 'National Laboratory Astana' of Nazarbayev University as a researcher. Ms. Aizhan Rakhmanova is responsible for experimental work on gas-sensitive measurements for MOS gas sensors at various gas concentrations (from 50 ppb to 5 ppm) (h-index = 7).

Madina Sarsembina
2nd year master's student at the School of Engineering and Digital Sciences at Nazarbayev University. Her research interests are NASICON solid polymer electrolytes and their coating with PEI / PAA / PEO polymers. She is experienced in synthesizing pure LATP by various methods, measuring ionic conductivity of electrolytes, and working with XRD, SEM, biological tester, Origin Pro. Since 2022, she is responsible for experimental work on gas-sensitive measurements for p-n heterostructured gas sensors (h-index = 1)

Yernar Shynybekov
Master holder, researcher assistant at the National Laboratory of Astana Nazarbayev University. Areas of interest are: organic compounds, organic synthesis, 3D-modeling.

Aidarbek Nuftolla
Bachelor student at the School of Engineering and Digital Sciences at Nazarbayev University.

Nazerke Sagidolda
Research assistant at the National Laboratory Astana Nazarbayev University.